Changing Cambodia 2014 – 2015

Currently, Cambodia’s not a developed country yet and so it might have lots of problems which I can usually kind of visualize everyday. The big issue about a not developed country is poverty. Poverty can causes a lot of changes to happen and mostly corruption, but also the lack of human resources. Two main ideas that I am focusing on are education and health care. Assuming that you’re in a poor family. Everyday you try your best to sell things and do works just to get money for your kids to go to school and you hope that in the future they will be able to change the family livelihood. Every time your kids go to school, they need to pay extra money otherwise the teachers won’t teach you so seriously or focusing on teaching because all of those teachers don’t get much salary. So they need to somehow collect the money from students to be able to feed their family. If this still keep happening, in the future, there will be a lack of human resources because there are more poor people than rich people that don’t get enough education so they all can’t change the job and just keep following their ancestors of doing farming. That is how poverty affects to education system. For health care, it might also affects big parts of the country as well. As you all know that Cambodia has more rural places than cities and in those places do not have so many hospitals. If there are less hospitals and those hospitals needs all the patients to pay extra money to get treatment, then the amounts of people will be decreasing because those people in the rural place don’t have lots of money and how can they get treatment? This will also affects other part of the country. Overall not only because of corruption problems in poverty that causes those, but there are even more reasons as I listed below:

  1. Parents let the kids go to sell things instead of studying
  2. Government give too low salary to the teachers
  3. People do not get enough food (poor people)
  4. There’s not a lot of schools
  5. Natural disasters stop kids from going to school
  6. Lack of education about health care

My solutions for those two big problems are:

  1. The government should pay the teachers high salary
  2. Government should encourage orphan to go to orphanage
  3. We should create social program that can teach kids about health care
  4. Parents should let their kids go to school insteading of working to get money for them
  5. When there are disasters, kids should be able to learn by themselves; learning is everywhere


Did I actually made changes?

I think I actually made changes by teaching kids in the organizations called Tiny Toones and Green Umbrella when I was in Liger Tech Support Exploration about ways that they can use softwares to involve with their learning instead of playing games. By doing this, I need to study about different softwares and analyze the pros and cons to see which one can help the students with their learning more and what sort of programs should it be for kids that are around seven years old. I also made other changes by creating my own google sites that includes different learning websites sources for kids and adults to play at freetime.


Sharing Ideas to the world:

During the Sharation at DI, I have shared things that I have done in Liger Tech Support and how my team have collaborated with other organizations in order to help fixing their technology problems.

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